Author: mcurvelo

  • EMS Week Video #5:

    Having an address number that is easily visible from the road improves our response time. EMT Margaret Laggis provides some tips for enhancing your house number visibility.

  • EMS Week Video #4: Helmet Safety

    EMS Week, Friday post: The weather is getting nicer! Does one of the activities you have planned for the weekend involve wearing a helmet? Maybe it should! Today’s video clip talks a little bit about that…

  • EMS Week Video #3: Ambulance Tour

    A quick tour of the ambulance as one of our crew members, Anthony Brochu, checks everything on shift!

  • EMS Week Video #2: Hands Only CPR

    When seconds count, it can take us minutes to get there. This is often the case no matter where you go in Vermont, as the rural nature of residences and their proximity to aid mean the first step to caring for patients starts with public action. Here is a video on hands-only CPR.

  • EMS Week Video #1: Your Medical Information

    Tyler Molleur RN, AEMT discusses the importance of having medical information available to provide to EMTs when you call 911.

  • EMS Week 2020

    This is the first in a series of posts and videos which celebrate National EMS Week (May 17-23). The celebration of EMS providers across the country was initiated by President Gerald Ford in 1974, when professional EMS services were still in their infancy stage. At the time, Hardwick Rescue had not been in service for…

  • Memorial Day Parade

    Hardwick Rescue A-1 proudly leading the Hardwick Memorial Day parade this morning. What a beautiful day for a parade!!