Have a question about billing?
People call the station all the time with billing questions that are better handled by the agency that manages the bills. Their name is EMS Billing Solutions out of Golden Cross Ambulance in Claremont, NH.
Email: allyn@goldencrossamb.com or hgirard@goldencrossamb.com
Phone: 603-542-8270
Hardwick Emergency Rescue Squad (HRS) is a private, non-profit, primarily volunteer ambulance service in northern Vermont which services portions of Caledonia, Lamoille, Orleans, and Washington Counties. Hardwick Rescue responds to 9-1-1 calls in the following towns: Hardwick, Wolcott, Stannard, Craftsbury, Greensboro, Wheelock, Walden, and Woodbury.
Join Us
Serve our rural community as a volunteer ambulance driver or EMS provider.
Donations to HRS help us provide continuing education to members, maintain our ambulances, and so much more.
Public Resources
Home-Generated Sharps, Syringes, and Needles
To be safe and legal, dispose of home-generated sharps, needles, and syringes in this manner:
- Place sharps in an empty, rigid plastic container, such as a laundry detergent bottle.
- Tape the bottle’s cap shut with strong tape. Firmly attach a “Do Not Recycle” label to the bottle. You can print this sample label or call 802-828-1138 to request “Do Not Recycle” stickers for home-generated sharps.
- Dispose of bottle in the trash.