News Archives - Hardwick Rescue Squad A volunteer rescue squad providing ambulance service in northern Vermont since 1967 Sat, 19 Jun 2021 18:25:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives - Hardwick Rescue Squad 32 32 June 25 – Vaccination Clinic Sat, 19 Jun 2021 18:25:49 +0000 Hardwick Rescue will be co-hosting a COVID vaccination clinic with the Walden Fire Department! The clinic will be held Friday, June 25th from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at the Walden firehouse. This is a walk-in clinic. No appointment is necessary, but advance notice would be appreciated if you’re vaccinating a 12- to 18 year-old. […]

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Hardwick Rescue will be co-hosting a COVID vaccination clinic with the Walden Fire Department!

The clinic will be held Friday, June 25th from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at the Walden firehouse. This is a walk-in clinic. No appointment is necessary, but advance notice would be appreciated if you’re vaccinating a 12- to 18 year-old.

Send an email to

We will have doses of Pfizer (two-dose) and Johnson and Johnson (single-dose for adults) available. 🚑

See you there!

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EMS Week Video #5: Sun, 24 May 2020 00:46:01 +0000 Having an address number that is easily visible from the road improves our response time. EMT Margaret Laggis provides some tips for enhancing your house number visibility.

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Having an address number that is easily visible from the road improves our response time. EMT Margaret Laggis provides some tips for enhancing your house number visibility.

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EMS Week Video #4: Helmet Safety Fri, 22 May 2020 22:19:25 +0000 EMS Week, Friday post: The weather is getting nicer! Does one of the activities you have planned for the weekend involve wearing a helmet? Maybe it should! Today’s video clip talks a little bit about that…

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EMS Week, Friday post: The weather is getting nicer! Does one of the activities you have planned for the weekend involve wearing a helmet? Maybe it should! Today’s video clip talks a little bit about that…

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EMS Week Video #3: Ambulance Tour Wed, 20 May 2020 10:40:38 +0000 A quick tour of the ambulance as one of our crew members, Anthony Brochu, checks everything on shift!

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A quick tour of the ambulance as one of our crew members, Anthony Brochu, checks everything on shift!

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EMS Week Video #2: Hands Only CPR Tue, 19 May 2020 23:15:24 +0000 When seconds count, it can take us minutes to get there. This is often the case no matter where you go in Vermont, as the rural nature of residences and their proximity to aid mean the first step to caring for patients starts with public action. Here is a video on hands-only CPR.

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When seconds count, it can take us minutes to get there. This is often the case no matter where you go in Vermont, as the rural nature of residences and their proximity to aid mean the first step to caring for patients starts with public action. Here is a video on hands-only CPR.

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EMS Week Video #1: Your Medical Information Tue, 19 May 2020 23:12:34 +0000 Tyler Molleur RN, AEMT discusses the importance of having medical information available to provide to EMTs when you call 911.

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Tyler Molleur RN, AEMT discusses the importance of having medical information available to provide to EMTs when you call 911.

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EMS Week 2020 Tue, 19 May 2020 23:00:45 +0000 This is the first in a series of posts and videos which celebrate National EMS Week (May 17-23). The celebration of EMS providers across the country was initiated by President Gerald Ford in 1974, when professional EMS services were still in their infancy stage. At the time, Hardwick Rescue had not been in service for […]

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This is the first in a series of posts and videos which celebrate National EMS Week (May 17-23). The celebration of EMS providers across the country was initiated by President Gerald Ford in 1974, when professional EMS services were still in their infancy stage.

At the time, Hardwick Rescue had not been in service for more than seven years and the amount of skill and clinical knowledge our providers must possess to provide quality emergency care has evolved greatly. This week, we will be posting several short videos to highlight topics we would like you to know more about just in case we have to care for you (and some tips so you may not need us at all!)

This year is especially important for us as we have numerous volunteers, who, for the pure enjoyment of helping others in their community, continue to provide services to our seven towns during the COVID-19 pandemic. With contributions from our small roster of two paid staff, several volunteers are also donating more hours during this time so other providers who fall into higher risk categories can stay safe. We appreciate the contributions our community members have made with cloth masks, respirators, and notes and tokens of appreciation, as well as continuing to practice good infection control measures so our members can go home safe every day!

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Memorial Day Parade Sat, 25 May 2019 17:33:43 +0000 Hardwick Rescue A-1 proudly leading the Hardwick Memorial Day parade this morning. What a beautiful day for a parade!!

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Hardwick Rescue A-1 proudly leading the Hardwick Memorial Day parade this morning. What a beautiful day for a parade!!

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Patty Meyer earns EMS Lifetime Award Wed, 22 May 2019 17:54:24 +0000 Long-time Hardwick Rescue member Patty Meyer was awarded the State of Vermont’s EMS Lifetime Award this week! Please read below for an interview with Patty EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a brief interview I had the opportunity to conduct with Patty Meyer, one of our members. It doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of her involvement […]

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Long-time Hardwick Rescue member Patty Meyer was awarded the State of Vermont’s EMS Lifetime Award this week! Please read below for an interview with Patty

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a brief interview I had the opportunity to conduct with Patty Meyer, one of our members. It doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of her involvement with the rescue squad, and I believe the rest of our membership would agree. Patty has been our scheduler for many years, and has filled remaining empty slots on our schedule with her time to keep us in full service. She has been a motivational person to all of us, and we’re proud to have her as a representative of our squad. –Tyler Molleur

Patty Meyer has been a member of Hardwick Rescue since the early 1970s. An interest in medicine and the desire to take an advanced first aid course were the foundation for what has been, up to this point, a 42-year experience in prehospital emergency care. When she started on the squad, the advanced first aid certification was the standard for members of the squad, with two members of the Urie family finishing one of the earliest EMT courses the same year Meyer joined.
Meyer herself completed the EMT certification and later went on to become an EMT-Intermediate (similar to the current-day Advanced EMT). Another responsibility which she has assumed is the role of scheduling, working to have a complete ambulance crew available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
“It takes a good week,” she said of getting a monthly schedule arranged. “People are really good about taking time.”
Still, Meyer says additional members would be beneficial to add to the resource pool.
“We’ve always needed more people,” she said. “It would always be helpful to have more people to cover times.”
Part of the reason the rescue squad has coverage during the daytime is because of businesses which allow employees to leave during the day to take emergency calls. Meyer says the squad is very fortunate to have this support from local businesses. Within the squad, there is also an understanding of the occasional need for substitutes for scheduled crew members. Throughout her membership history, Meyer has worked on her family’s dairy farm, and as is the nature of a “home business”, there have been instances which have allowed her to be available to take calls, and times where she has needed to ask for other members to help her out while she tended to aspects of caring for the business.
“When I’ve had to be on the farm, people have been able to cover for me,” she said. Finding substitutes is a give-and-take process throughout the squad, as important events crop up in the lives of our members.
The relationships Meyer has built with other squad members goes beyond that of a business colleague. She said squad members assist not only with emergency calls, but step up when needed to help each other out in non-rescue squad functions.

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Welcome to Hardwick Rescue! Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:24:41 +0000 We’re excited to launch our new website at the start of National EMS Week! Inaugurated in 1974 by President Gerald Ford — seven years after Hardwick Rescue itself was founded — EMS Week is a way to celebrate and support the work that we do as EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, and Paramedics. Take a look around […]

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We’re excited to launch our new website at the start of National EMS Week! Inaugurated in 1974 by President Gerald Ford — seven years after Hardwick Rescue itself was founded — EMS Week is a way to celebrate and support the work that we do as EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, and Paramedics.

Take a look around at our site and let us know what you think!

Hardwick Rescue, as a member of Vermont’s EMS District Four, is proud to support its members — are you wondering how you can help celebrate EMS Week this year? Check out these great ideas at EMS Strong!

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